About Trish

One part author, one part fangirl

Like a lot of fiction authors, I’ve been making up stories in my head for as long as I can remember. But a lot has changed since I was a little kid running over the hillsides of western Kentucky playing with imaginary characters. I went to college (the first person in my family to do so) and got a print journalism degree. I worked for several years as a newspaper and magazine journalist. Then I quit to write books and do the occasional freelance journalism and copyediting work.

I’ve moved several times — from Kentucky to Nashville, Tennessee to the Gulf Coast of Florida and back to Kentucky. No matter what kind of fiction I write, there always seems to be at least some romance in it. I guess it helps that I’ve been happily married for more than 30 years. Along the way, I’ve written more than 50 books and managed to hit the USA Today bestseller list via an anthology I contributed to in 2022.

A fangirl from way back

When I like something, I get really into it. Book series, sci-fi TV shows like The Expanse and Firefly (my all-time favorite show), going to fan cons and sometimes cosplaying at them, movie and TV soundtracks, National Parks, Asian dramas and K-pop music are just a few of the things I’ve been known to fangirl over. The K-pop even inspired my Idol in Love romance series. I love going to K-pop concerts. My picture above was taken right after I saw my favorite group, SF9, in 2019. And I’ve seen a lot more groups live and collected several more concert tees since then.

Why I write

Since I’ve found enjoyment, excitement, and even comfort and escape in stories my entire life, that’s what I endeavor to give my readers. I’m always happy to hear from you and immensely grateful when they post reviews or recommend my books to friends or on social media.